As our player community grows, we’re constantly on the lookout for new Customer Support Specialists. To get an idea of what’s in store for this role at Big Viking Games, we spoke to Ashlee, who grew from her role as Customer Support Specialist into our Community Manager.

What are the most challenging and rewarding aspects of being a Customer Support Specialist?
The part of this role that is both the most challenging and rewarding is seeing how much people care about the game. As a Customer Support Specialist, you’re on the front lines. When something goes wrong, you’re the one who receives the brunt of the frustration players might be feeling.
However, you’re also the first one to hear about it when something goes right. I’ve had the opportunity to make deep and meaningful connections with fans. They’ve sent me pictures of their newborn grandchildren, updates on events in their lives, and have even made me fan art. When I see all of that, it reminds me that we’re more than just a company in our fans’ eyes. We’re having an amazing impact on people, and I’m proud to be a part of that!
What made you decide to apply to Big Viking Games?
I saw the application online, and Big Viking Games just seemed like a dream place to work. As I read the job description, I got to the list of perks, and I recall actually wondering if it was real or not. Anyway, I took a leap of faith and put in my application, and the rest is history. Read More