Big Viking Daily Donut Draw

By October 18, 2013Culture

Here at Big Viking Games, we have our own resident Santa Claus – actually, he is better than Santa Claus, because instead of useless trinkets, he brings us donuts!

Andrew Burton loves his job, and I mean, come on, who here doesn’t? So, in an effort to give back to the company he appreciates so much, he began buying employees donuts – everyday.

This all started a few weeks ago. Andrew wrote down every employee’s name on a piece of paper and put them in a Viking hat (what else did you expect?). Everyday the employees wait in anticipation as one lucky name gets pulled out of the hat. The tradition began with Andrew pulling the name, and has continued on with the torch being passed from winner to winner.

The fortuitous individual is blessed with the opportunity to pick their favourite donut from Tim Horton’s – duh, we are Canadian after all. As a company which thrives on creating a fun and friendly atmosphere, the daily donut draw has added even more fun and appreciation into the Big Viking culture.

Keeping things fair, drawn names are thrown away, giving everyone the chance to win. Andrew says he will continue with the Donut Draw until everyone has been gifted with some delicious, doughy goodness (aww, what a guy!).

Andrew Burton, I raise this Boston Cream to you!
